Authenticity Guaranteed
At Baitul Couture we understand that shopping online can be challenging and we want to ensure that our customers enjoy a peace of mind while shopping with us.
Baitul Couture Company does not accept or sell fake, replica, or counterfeit merchandise. The boutique offers only 100% authentic labels ranging from handbags, to shoes, clothing, and accessories. We are committed to featuring authentic fashion and products.
If we suspect that an item is inauthentic we will contact the consignor requesting proof of purchase. Any fake, replica, or counterfeit item discovered will not be returned to the consignor and destroyed.
We stand behind all items we sell with a 100% authenticity guarantee, or your money back!
We take pride in knowing that we offer quality, exclusivity, and most importantly trust.
Shop with us and let us help you "obey your wallet!”
Please note: Brands sold are not partnered with or affiliated with Baitul Couture
Company and Baitul Couture Boutique and Consignment. We guarantee authenticity of all products sold.